Faith No More - Evidence

Данас сам се у једном коментару сетио албума «King for a day — fool for a lifetime» групе Фејт но мор, и искористио наслов за део коментара.

Сегодня в одном комментарии вспомнил альбом «King for a day — fool for a lifetime» (Король на день - дурак на всю жизнь)  группы Faith No More, и использовал имя альбома для части комментариев. 

Faith No More - Evidence

If you want to open the hole
Just put your head down and go
Step beside the piece of the circumstance
Got to wash away the taste of evidence

Wash it away

Evidence, evidence, evidence
Got to taste evidence

I didn't feel a thing
It didn't mean a thing
Look in the eye and testify
I didn't feel a thing

Anything you say, we know you're guilty
Hands above your head, and you won't even feel me
You won't feel me

Wash it away

Evidence, evidence, evidence 

Got to taste evidence

I didn't feel a thing
It didn't mean a thing
Look in the eye and testify
Didn't feel a thing

I didn't feel a thing
It didn't mean a thing
Look in the eye and testify
I didn't feel a thing

I didn't feel a thing
It didn't mean a thing
Look in the eye and testify
I didn't feel a thing

Текстописци: Michael Andrew Bordin / Bill Gould / Michael Allen Patton


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